Our People
We are a highly qualified specialist team, equipped with the skills needed to deliver optimal outcomes for our clients. Additionally, we maintain a wide network of associate scientists, planners, designers and engineers, enabling access to diverse expertise as needed. Our strong relationships with certified laboratories allow us to conduct comprehensive physicochemical and biological analyses.
Dr Ben Robertson
Principal Consultant, Director
Ben is the co-founder and director of Robertson Environmental, bringing with him a wealth of expertise in terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal ecology. With a PhD in the field and recognised as a Certified Environmental Practitioner (CEnvP) by the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand, Ben is a highly respected professional in the environmental industry.
With over a decade of experience as a private consultant, Ben regularly provides expert guidance on environmental management matters for diverse clients, including local governments, iwi, and private entities.
Specialising in Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA), Ben has completed over 200 reports across terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal resources. His assessments consistently meet the requirements of National Policy Statements, National Environmental Standards, and regional plans. Ben is well-versed in expert caucusing, mediation, and consultation with iwi and resource users, having participated in these processes on multiple occasions. Furthermore, he brings his expertise as an expert witness to Environment Court proceedings.
Ben firmly believes that the key to successful projects lies in well-planned collaboration, sound ecological knowledge, and strategic integration of cutting-edge technology.
Explore Ben's achievements and ongoing peer-reviewed research outputs here.
Dr Barry Robertson
Technical Director
As one of NZ’s foremost ecological experts, Barry has over 45 years experience as an environmental consultant either as a director in his own companies (Robertson Ryder Environmental Consultants, Wriggle Coastal Management, Robertson Environmental) or Manager of the Coastal Group at Cawthron Institute. He has been lead author of over 400 technical reports, including the “National Estuary Monitoring Protocol” (NEMP) used by most Regional Councils throughout New Zealand to monitor estuaries in their region.
More recently, Barry led the production of the NZ Estuary Trophic Index. These practical tools provide resource managers with the appropriate methods to monitor the environmental condition of key coastal resources in their region and thereby meet legislative requirements. This monitoring has provided regular information on the condition of a region’s estuaries to stakeholders, which has allowed informed human use of these areas.
Barry has developed long term relationships with a number of Regional Councils and other key end-users – providing service in the areas of coastal and freshwater plan developments, coastal vulnerability assessments, and broad and fine scale monitoring and management of coastal resources (estuaries, beaches, dunes, rocky shores, coastal lagoons and shallow lakes). These include Environment Southland, Greater Wellington Regional Council, Tasman District Council, Department of Conservation, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, ECan, Manawatu Regional Council, MfE, Nelson City Council, Invercargill City Council, and Northland Regional Council. In terms of resource consent applications, Barry has a long track record of preparing impact assessment components for consent applications, peer reviewing applications, presentation at hearings and public meetings. The majority of these have been in relation to regional and district plans, major wastewater outfalls, marine farms, and contaminated sites. In addition, Barry has produced water and sediment quality guidelines for regions (e.g. Southland and Nelson) and a large number of individual waterbodies (e.g. Waituna Lagoon, Lake Hayes, Porirua Harbour), and has vast experience giving evidence as an expert witness in relation to Environment Court proceedings.
Barry provides high-level technical advice and oversight on all projects to ensure the highest standards of technical quality are achieved.
Jodie Robertson
Senior Consultant, GIS Specialist
Jodie has a Master's degree in Environmental Studies from Victoria University of Wellington, and a Post Graduate Diploma in geographic information systems (GIS) from Massey University.
She has over 13 years experience in field ecology, GIS mapping and analyses, and community liaison, both in the public and private sectors.
Jodie has worked extensively with landowners on water quality issues and has vast experience working with the farming community particularly in relation to land use impacts.
With this, Jodie brings to Robertson Environmental a policy-relevant understanding of the way in which GIS-based information can be used to both educate and better inform resource management.
Julian Goulding
Technical Officer, Skipper
Julian holds Master 3000 Gross Tonnes certification.
His passion for the coastal environment was spurred early on while working his family’s NZ Greenshell Mussel farming business in the Marlborough Sounds.
Following completion of a BComm degree, he spent 10 years in the yachting industry as Chief Officer onboard a 70m commercial motor yacht, during which he was exposed to some of the world’s most diverse and remote marine and terrestrial environments.
Alongside his exceptional communication skills (written and verbal), Julian has extensive maritime navigational knowledge with a priority on the safety of his crew, vessel, and the environment.
This combined with his local knowledge, particularly of the Tasman/Marlborough region, allows Robertson Environmental to safely undertake a variety of subtidal works using appropriate (MSA registered) fleet vessels.